Sunday, May 13, 2012


Minerals properties

Properties are the traits or characteristics that belong to a specific thing. Minerals have their own properties in which we can use to identify them. We can identify minerals using these properties: luster, hardness, cleavage, and the streak.

In this project I learned how to identify minerals using them. A hardness of a mineral is how hard a mineral is. From 1:5 is a soft mineral and 5.5 to 10 is a hard mineral. How can we know? To know if a mineral is hard or no, we use glass plate. We scratch the mineral on the glass plate, if the mineral scratch it then it is a hard mineral if the glass plate scratches the mineral that mean it’s a soft mineral. We also can identify the minerals by looking at it whether it is metallic (looks like metal) or nonmetallic (doesn’t look like metal) this is called the luster. A mineral can be cleavage or fracture. A cleavage mineral is when it break in even way. A fracture mineral breaks in uneven way. Of course we don’t have to break the mineral to know whether it is fracture or cleavage, but we can tell by looking at it. Also we can identify the mineral by its streak, meaning we can scratch the mineral on a streak plate and by the color we get we can tell which mineral it is.

What did you enjoy the most about this project and why?
- What I enjoyed the most about this project was when we were identifying the minerals using the materials we were giving. I enjoyed it because it was interesting and I was so excited to learn about them.

What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging thing was taking the pictures because we had to take the pictures too many times because sometimes it was blurry.

What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I gained more patience by dealing with the camera and working on the lab since I had to change many things.

Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain

I would have worked on my lab more at home so it could be better than it is.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Shaking The Earth


Activates: 3 mini posters (faults, plate tectonics and volcanoes) 2Brianpop video (tsunami and earthquakes) music video (crust and mantle, and plate tectonics)  

            Tsunami is a harbor wave that causes a lot of damage and it’s so fast. It’s different than tidal waves. It happens when there are earthquakes, land slide, or volcanic eruption under the ocean. The tsunami waves can causes a lot of damage and it’s so fast. It extends thousands of feet deep into the ocean. The tsunami travel for a long distance and the waves have a lot of energy.


Activities: 2 foldable (faults, and volcanoes) Prediction Map. Demonstration lap (convection current)

 Faults are the large cracks in the earth’s rocks. There are three types of faults. There are normal fault, reverse fault, and strike slip fault. The normal fault is when a piece of land goes down, reverse is when piece of land move up, and strike slip is when the land slide past each other. faults happen because of earthquakes


Activities: exploration lap (density, and ring of fire)

In the Ring Of Fire Lap we had to find where most of volcanoes and earthquakes happen. On the map we noticed that volcanoes and earth quakes most of the time happen together. In the pacific plate we found that earthquakes and volcanoes happen the most. The Ring of Fire was called this name because it has many volcanoes and earthquakes. Earthquakes and volcanoes occur in plate boundary because the plate boundary, because the plate boundary has most of the earthquakes and also earthquakes happen when two plates slide past each other

I agree with the theory of plate tectonics because as I studied in this project, earth was first one continent and then it started to move until it became the way it is now. Also scientists measure how many CM the earth move each year. And they found that it moves. Another thing the natural disasters that happen because of earth’s movement, such as the earthquakes and volcanoes. The convection of the earth also pushes the plates of the earth and forces it to move

1- What did you enjoy most about this project?

-I enjoyed most doing the lab. It was so fun, and I was so excited to see what will happen. Also I think that doing the lab made me more comfortable with the topic I’m studying about.

2-What was most challenging for you during this project and why?

-I think there was nothing challenging in this project, I liked it so much I even enjoyed doing it, but at the beginning I was kind of confused about what to do, but then every thing went well.

3-What new skill did you learn from doing this project?

-I learnt to be more creative while doing the foldable and the poster. And the most important thing was that I learnt more about the earth where we live and also learnt more vocabularies.

4-Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.

- If I was doing this project again I will try to study about new topics in each layer. For example I noticed that the topics I choose in one layer were the same ones I choose in another layer, so I would change that, so I can learn more about different topics.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Rotation and revolution

Rotation and Revolution

Native language
When the earth moves around its axis.
Imaginary line that goes through the center of the earth.
Different four periods happens during the year.
The north star that the earth axis always points to
Time zones
المناطق الزمنيه
The 24 areas that the earth is divided into.
When an object moves around another object.
نصف الكرة
Two halves above and below the equator.

خط الاستواء
 A line that divides the earth into two parts.
Earth’s angel is not straight.
القطع الناقص
The oval shape of the earth.


The Earth rotates on its axis once each 24 hours. The rotation of earth causes day and night. Also earth’s axis is always to a star called Polaris. Earth has a tilt about 23.5degrees. The equator divides earth into two hemispheres northern and southern. Earth also has 24 time zones they are divided by the longitudes. The earth’s shape is ellipse. The earth revolves around the sun once each 365 days or one year. The revolution of earth around the sun causes seasons.

How is earth affected by movement?
When the earth rotates on its axis it causes day and night. And the lunar revolution around the earth causes the tides. Also when the earth moves around the sun, it causes the seasons and movements of stars.


1-What did you enjoy most about this project and why? One thing I enjoyed about this project is working in a group, even though it was kind of frustrating, but still we had too much fun.

2-What was most challenging for you during this project and why? The most challenging thing was recording the video, especially when only two people recording it, so we had a little hard time

 3-What new skills did you learn from this project?  I don’t think I learnt new skill but I worked on my collaboration skills and I improved my drawing skills a little bit

4-Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your skills? Explain
one thing I wanted to change is instead of drawing all the picture we could have just print them, so that we have less work to do and more time to practice, other thing is we had to be three of us doing the video because when only two persons did it, It was hard and the video looked so missy

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Geolgic Time-permian period

The Permian period was a period where the Dinosaurs lived. It's  also the last period of paleozoic Era. It started 290-248. There were different types of organisms such as Dimetrodon, Orthaconthus, and trilobite. Ammonites were very available during this period. The Amphibians controlled fresh water. In the end of this period, half of the families disappeared.

project Refliction

1:What did you enjoy the most about this project?
   I enjoyed learning about the period and about the organism that livied in this period, and also enjoyed searching for the organisms and see how the looked.
2:What was most challenging about this project? why?
   the most challenging thing about this project was doing a video because someting went wrong with my video and it seems to be incorect, also i didnt like doing the refrences becuse we had to copy every sngle thing on the refrences page.
3:What you changed about this project and why?
  I liked this project and I dont think i would like to change any thing, but for me for some reason doing the video was kind of frustrating.
4:What are 3 things that you learned from this project?
   first I learnet how to eddit the refrenceses. I also learnet that the premian period was the last period of Paleozoic Era. Also I learnet tat during this period all the contenents meged into one single continent.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Stars-Blog Entry

1-What is a star?
Stars are balls in the stars, so far away from us! They made of dust and gasses from very big clouds called stellar nebula. There are many different stars. Stars are classified by colors, temperature, size, luminosity, ages, and spectral class. Stars have different colors such as blue, red, yellow, orange, and red. Stars temperatures’ are different, either very hot or cool. Stars also have different sizes small, medium, and large stars. Luminosity is how bright a star is. Stars can be bright stars, medium, and dim stars. CAN YOU BELIVE THAT A STAR HAS AGE? Yes all the stars have different ages. There are young stars, middle ages stars, and old stars! Spectral class is a letter that scientists use to tell the temperature of a star.
2- Types of stars.
There are four different types of stars: Super giant, giant, main sequence, and white dwarf. The super giant stars are huge, hot and bright stars. Giant stars are large cold and bright stars, they also have different colors. Main sequence stars have different colors different sizes and different temperatures. They also have different luminosity, so bright, bright or dim. White dwarf stars are small, old, hot and dim stars.

3- H-R Diagram.
What does H-R stand for? H-R stands for Hurtzsprung-russell. H-R Diagram is a letter that astronomers use to classify stars based on their temperatures’, luminosity, colors, and size. It also shows the relationship between the characteristics of a star and the star type.

3- Nuclear fusion.
 Stars are gigantic fireplace! in these gigantic stars a lot of things happens to make it that hot and that big. one of those things is nuclear fusion.What is a nuclear fusion? Nuclear fusion is when a reaction happens in the nuclear of a star and changes 2 hydrogen molecules into 1 helium molecule and energy. 
2H→He+ Energy.

4- Life cycle of a star.
Stars were created long time ago. They have life and ages! Stars were born from giant clouds that got smaller and hotter because of the gravity this process called stellar nebula. All the stars are made of Stellar Nebula. There are different types of stars with different life cycles. Stars types are 3 Sun-like a star which its life cycle is Red giant, Planetary Nebula, White dwarf, then black dwarf. Another type is huge stars. Its life cycle is Red supergiant, Supernova, then Neutron star. Last is the giant stars, its life cycle is Red super giant, Super nova, then Black hole.


Monday, October 17, 2011



Planet order: the fifth from the sun.
Distance from the sun: 779 million km.
Mass: 1,898´10^24 kg.
Diameter: 142,984 km.
Rotation: 9 hours 50 min
Revolution: 11.9 Earth years.
Numbers of moons: 36.
Jupiter is Jovian.

Planet description: Jupiter is a giant gas planet.It's so hot on it. It has many huge storms. There are many moons on it.It has no surface.

Interesting facts:
                               ·      Jupiter doesn’t have surface.
·      Has many moons (16).
·      There is a big red spot on it.
·      Takes a lot to move around the sun (12) years .

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hurricane Irene Project

Critical Thinking

1-What effects does water temperature have on the creation a hurricane? 
The evaporation from the water in the sea and the heat in the warm ocean increases the power of hurricane.

2-Why would there be more damage to an area during high tide? 
Tides are the regular rising and falling of the sea level. So when tides hit a close area to the sea this causes damage and saturation to this area than the area far from the sea.

3-If an area is fully saturated, how will this be more dangerous for an area?
During the Hurricane the wet gardens and trees are easier to be broken, which will effect negatively on environment, and also when the area is saturated and it’s raining, then flooding will happen.

4-Why would there be more flooding if the ground was fully saturated?
Because there is no place for water to go to, and the water table is then above the grass so Flooding happens more.


1-What is something that you liked about this Mini-Project? 
I liked that I learnt new strategies to learn and memorize new words, such as underling vocabulary words. I also liked the way we presented our project because it gave me information about other topics.

2-What was difficult for you on this project? 
The new words that I didn't know about before, and there were some words that confused me about their definition.
3-What would you change about your work on this project? 
I would give more time to present because some people were presenting so fast. 
Do more research so I can understand better.

4-How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
Before I didn't know what a storm is or how does the hurricane form, but by working on this project I learnt all those things, and I also learned the different parts of hurricane.