Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Geolgic Time-permian period

The Permian period was a period where the Dinosaurs lived. It's  also the last period of paleozoic Era. It started 290-248. There were different types of organisms such as Dimetrodon, Orthaconthus, and trilobite. Ammonites were very available during this period. The Amphibians controlled fresh water. In the end of this period, half of the families disappeared.

project Refliction

1:What did you enjoy the most about this project?
   I enjoyed learning about the period and about the organism that livied in this period, and also enjoyed searching for the organisms and see how the looked.
2:What was most challenging about this project? why?
   the most challenging thing about this project was doing a video because someting went wrong with my video and it seems to be incorect, also i didnt like doing the refrences becuse we had to copy every sngle thing on the refrences page.
3:What you changed about this project and why?
  I liked this project and I dont think i would like to change any thing, but for me for some reason doing the video was kind of frustrating.
4:What are 3 things that you learned from this project?
   first I learnet how to eddit the refrenceses. I also learnet that the premian period was the last period of Paleozoic Era. Also I learnet tat during this period all the contenents meged into one single continent.


  1. Your video is nice and informative! you the best :)

  2. Great job Hagar. I really enjoyed looking at your video. Well done:)
