Activates: 3 mini posters (faults, plate tectonics and volcanoes) 2Brianpop video (tsunami and earthquakes) music video (crust and mantle, and plate tectonics)
Tsunami is a harbor wave that causes a lot of damage and it’s so fast. It’s different than tidal waves. It happens when there are earthquakes, land slide, or volcanic eruption under the ocean. The tsunami waves can causes a lot of damage and it’s so fast. It extends thousands of feet deep into the ocean. The tsunami travel for a long distance and the waves have a lot of energy.
Activities: 2 foldable (faults, and volcanoes) Prediction Map. Demonstration lap (convection current)
Faults are the large cracks in the earth’s rocks. There are three types of faults. There are normal fault, reverse fault, and strike slip fault. The normal fault is when a piece of land goes down, reverse is when piece of land move up, and strike slip is when the land slide past each other. faults happen because of earthquakes
Activities: exploration lap (density, and ring of fire)
In the Ring Of Fire Lap we had to find where most of volcanoes and earthquakes happen. On the map we noticed that volcanoes and earth quakes most of the time happen together. In the pacific plate we found that earthquakes and volcanoes happen the most. The Ring of Fire was called this name because it has many volcanoes and earthquakes. Earthquakes and volcanoes occur in plate boundary because the plate boundary, because the plate boundary has most of the earthquakes and also earthquakes happen when two plates slide past each other
I agree with the theory of plate tectonics because as I studied in this project, earth was first one continent and then it started to move until it became the way it is now. Also scientists measure how many CM the earth move each year. And they found that it moves. Another thing the natural disasters that happen because of earth’s movement, such as the earthquakes and volcanoes. The convection of the earth also pushes the plates of the earth and forces it to move
1- What did you enjoy most about this project?
-I enjoyed most doing the lab. It was so fun, and I was so excited to see what will happen. Also I think that doing the lab made me more comfortable with the topic I’m studying about.
2-What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
-I think there was nothing challenging in this project, I liked it so much I even enjoyed doing it, but at the beginning I was kind of confused about what to do, but then every thing went well.
3-What new skill did you learn from doing this project?
-I learnt to be more creative while doing the foldable and the poster. And the most important thing was that I learnt more about the earth where we live and also learnt more vocabularies.
4-Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
- If I was doing this project again I will try to study about new topics in each layer. For example I noticed that the topics I choose in one layer were the same ones I choose in another layer, so I would change that, so I can learn more about different topics.
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